If you are going to rent a boat for the first time but do not know the boat that suits you, we can summarize the situation as follows; The boats are divided into 3 groups as gulets, motor yachts and sailboats at first, and then differ in meters, cabins and crew numbers. Boats are divided into standard, luxury and deluxe in terms of comfort.
Sample Gulet Picture
The boat sizes of wooden gulets range from 15 to 24 meters and their cabins, showers and toilets are equipped in the most modest way. Generally, these boats have double cabins and their front cabins are slightly larger than other cabins.
Motor Yachts
Sample Motor Yacht Picture
In motor yachts that can make a lot of cruising in less time, everything is thought to the finest detail and has been produced in a way to get the most efficiency. Motoryachts are comfortable and luxurious yachts that can reach high cruising speeds thanks to two or more main engines. Usually there are master cabins and depending on the variety, there are also cabins such as twin or bunk beds. Motor yachts have single storey (offshore) and multi storey (flybridge) options.
Sample Sailboat Picture
Sailing boats rented with or without a captain are divided into two types as single hull or catamaran (double hull). In order to save space on sailboats, they are often decorated with recyclable items. For example, the living room table is produced to be easily transformed into a bed.
Cabins are much smaller than other options. Double and single cabin options are available. It is recommended that you come with soft suitcases called sports bags in order to use the places where the luggage will be placed on these boats.
Sample Catamaran Picture
Today's catamarans actually evolved from ancient sailing and fishing boats. Evolution means change not only in use but also in the design and construction of these boats. There are two basic design types of catamarans known as Pontoon and SWATH. The first is quite small, it uses buoys (known as barges in marine slang) as an important technology to move through the water with a compact and double hull; Whereas the latter is quite large and is primarily designed to maintain balance in marine areas with unpredictable currents and tides. It should not be forgotten that all catamarans are powered today, which makes them much more reliable than before.